After three months of living in the woods I am back home for Fall break! I have officially survived the first term of my MBA program. Small victories, right?
Living in Hanover has been equal parts fun, exhausting, challenging, exciting and stimulating. To say that I was nervous before starting a residential graduate program back in August would be an understatement.
I had been living the last 6 years of my life in about as controlled a way as I possibly could. Looking back on my priorities since I graduated from BC, survival was at the top of the list. I went out of my way to push through as many different challenges as I could while making sure that I had the ability to bounce back. It was a long road, and it came with a lot of frustrating days, but I think I was able to learn a lot about myself. I learned that I craved independence more than anything.
Now that I have that independence (well, Blinky literally follows Darcy and me everywhere, so how independent can I really be?), it almost feels like I am relearning how to live again, and I think that’s been an important step in my personal development.
In doing so, though, I have had some growing pains. From reorienting my treatment routine to find a sleep schedule that accommodates my health, and then, of course, forgetting to replace the paper towel roll not once, but twice in a single day at the expense of Darcy shaming me in public, living away from the comfort of my first responders (my family) has felt like an evolving adventure.
And then there was a nasty virus that came on about two weeks ago. In classic back to school fashion, as soon as one person gets sick, so do the rest of us. It came on right in the heart of Finals. When else would it be appropriate for me to get sick?
The cold definitely had me on my back, and I’m still suffering from the after affects of it, but such is life when you’re living in a school, I suppose. In fact, here I am wearing a mask in school – there’s no shame in doing what it takes to protect yourself – but there’s really only so much you can do…. I guess.

Now that I am home, I am recharging my batteries for the second half of the fall term… the long home stretch into winter break. In my case, unfortunately, that means a tune up. I am falling short of my year long goal, but I want to make sure I am as healthy as possible heading into the long New Hampshire winter. After all I am a winter guy, so I don’t want to miss any potential hockey or ski days (business school, am I right?). Sometimes being proactive with CF is the best possible thing we can do!