As May comes to a close, Breathe In wraps up CF Awareness Month with two final sprint interviews. Lise-Courtney D’Amico rejoins the podcast to chat with Gunnar about how their college experiences differed despite going to the same university – Boston College. They also talk about their next chapters in life as both Gunnar and Lise-Courtney are about to embark on a two year MBA journey, Gunnar to Tuck at Dartmouth and Lise-Courtney to Booth at University of Chicago. Tiffany is joined by Hailee Higley, 23, a mother living with cystic fibrosis. Their conversation begins with learning how Hailee’s grandma was diagnosed with CF in her 50’s when Hailee was diagnosed. The two then chat about Hailee’s amazing pregnancy that she says her baby “healed” her CF. Hailee’s story is amazing and she surprises the podcast with a new update on her family!
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